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District heating based on thermonet in Vridsløsemagle
The city of Vridsløsemagle in collaboration with the consumer-owned district heating company Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme
“MÜHLE Rasurkultur – Hall 4Construction of a new production hall with a heat pump and geothermal energy”
Construction of a new manufacturing building for the heritage brand “MÜHLE” in the most sustainable way, built mostly of locally sourced wood
FRIGG: Steam producing heat pump for the feed industry utilizing moist air as waste heat
FRIGG is the first full-scale, industrial steam supplying heat pump in the world. The heat pump is installed at Felleskjøpet's production
Modernization of ventilation and air handling technology with heat pumps Cineplex cinema Vilsbiburg
Thanks to a Modernization of ventilation and air handling technology with heat pumps, the Cineplex cinema in Vilsbiburg will be more than 50 percent...
geoAir – Year-round Ground Source Regeneration Using Central Ventilation System
The geoAir system by Weider Wärmepumpen combines a brine heat pump with a central ventilation system, which allows for the regeneration
Heat Pump Academy
The Heat Pump Academy is an organization dedicated to accelerating the heat pump revolution and the transition to sustainable heat supply in buildings.
Heat pump cascades for the KIS Energy Self-Sufficiency 2027 mission
The KIS headquarters on the former “Hoesch AG” company site is planned to be nearly completely energy self-sufficient by 2027.
Dartford Civic Centre
This project emphasizes the transition to low carbon heating solutions in existing office buildings, leveraging the efficiency of air source heat pumps.
Timber drying with the heat pump system
The project “De-carbonization of European dairy industry through a very high temperature industrial heat pump” aims to....
MAX IV Laboratory
MAX-lab is a national electron accelerator laboratory for synchrotron radiation research, nuclear physics and accelerator physics. Heat pumps are cooling the process and the heat is utilized to heat up the building and local district heating network
Fast Track Heat Pump Roll Out in Hylke
Phase out of fossil fuels in the Danish city ‘Hylke’ with an innovative business model which addresses the barriers for heat pump implementation.