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Awarding Outstanding Heat Pump Projects
The Heat Pump Award
The Heat Pump Award is an EHPA project which recognises the most efficient, smart and sustainable heat pump projects at the local level.
The Heat Pump Award was launched in 2011 to highlight cities and regions that had put in place an energy-efficient project which took advantage of heat pump technology.
The international appeal of the award has grown year after year and now attracts participants from all over Europe and beyond.
The project aims to:
· Collect best practice examples of Heat Pumps in urban areas to present to EU authorities
· Create role models for those who still hesitate to change
· Raise people’s awareness of the potential of Heat Pumps
· Recognise the innovative and continuous work in the sector
The competition is calling for projects (installations on-going) from the whole chain of applications: single residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Furthermore, another important element is the level of integration in thermal grids and with other renewable technologies such as solar panels.
This year in order to give more importance to each one of the applications that we will receive, we will have 5 awards.
1. Heat Pump City of the Year (HPCY)
2. DecarbIndustry
3. DecarBuilding (residential and commercial)
4. Lighthouse Heat Pump (Lighthouse HP)
5. People’s Choice
This special awards will be assigned by the jury and audience according to a few criteria:
Heat Pump City of the Year: This category recognizes heat pump projects implemented at the local level with the support of the city, including the integration of heat pump energy systems into city-owned utilities and district heating networks.
DecarbIndustry: This category honours projects that demonstrate a smart and efficient use of waste heat and heat pumps in industrial processes, leading to significant decarbonization of the industry.
DecarBuilding: This category recognises projects focused on decarbonising the residential and tertiary sectors, such as buildings, through the deployment of heat pumps and other clean energy solutions.
LighthouseHeat Pump:This category acknowledges innovative projects that do not fit into the other award categories, but rather present a creative and unique solution to a problem using specific techniques, technologies, and systems, specifically related to the deployment of heat pumps.
People’s Choice: The most popular heat pump project, elected by the audience via public vote.
Stats since 2011:
· 39 participating countries from Europe and beyond
· 293 submissions (each year we receive more than the previous)
Awarding Outstanding Heat Pump Projects
The Heat Pump Award
The Heat Pump Award is an EHPA project which recognises the most efficient, smart and sustainable heat pump projects at the local level.
The Heat Pump Award was launched in 2011 to highlight cities and regions that had put in place an energy-efficient project which took advantage of heat pump technology.
The international appeal of the award has grown year after year and now attracts participants from all over Europe and beyond.
The project aims to:
The competition is calling for projects (installations on-going) from the whole chain of applications: single residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Furthermore, another important element is the level of integration in thermal grids and with other renewable technologies such as solar panels.
This year in order to give more importance to each one of the applications that we will receive, we will have 5 awards.
This special awards will be assigned by the jury and audience according to a few criteria:
Stats since 2011: