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Solar Assisted Heat Pump – Energy Efficient Home
To aid with the creation of affordable high quality homes where all of the hot water demand is met by our Thermodynamic Solar Assisted Heat Pump which works Day and Night 365 days a year and is generated from the ambient air so no gas or oil is needed to support the homes utilities
Energy grid Midden Brabant Poort
The first engineering of the project began early 2011, in second half of 2011 the construction work started. The first company was connected to the grid in the first quarter of 2012. At this moment there are 9 company's connected to the grid. The grid operates with plain water, without additions
Project Suytkade
A professional sports hall that can accommodate 1200 supporters, a fitness center, wellness resort, several restaurants, bowling alleys and a hotel with more than 100 rooms: this is Fitland XL Helmond Suytkade in a nutshell.
Energy performance and sustainable development at swimming leisure centre
The Moulins Urban Area Community launched a project to build a recreational water centre in 2002. After an initial assessment phase and discussions with local stakeholders, a decision was made to restructure the existing water centre, of which the facilities dated back to 1967
Built on the area where from 1963 until 2005 Alfa Romeo cars were built, IL CENTRO shopping centre is the largest mall ever built in Italy in a single construction phase and took only two years: 93,000 sqm of GLA and boasting over 200 shops, cafés, restaurants, outdoor and indoor sporting
District heating Network – Country Seat of Bergheim
Ecological rehabilitation of a communal district heating network – trendsetting and efficient heat supply for 3 schools and 1 county office complex.
Heat recovery from drainage water in lignite mining
An essential part of coal mining is to prevent water from seeping into the coal-bed. For that purpose it has to be pumped from down to 500 m back to the surface. While the majority of it is used for the cooling of nearest power-plants, a major part of it is led into the river Erft and from there