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District heating based on thermonet in Vridsløsemagle
The city of Vridsløsemagle in collaboration with the consumer-owned district heating company Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme
Heat pump integration into district heating and cooling network for excess heat utilization
The Horizon 2020 RESPONSE project in Turku, Finland, is a pioneering endeavor that aims to establish a positive energy district...
Lippulaiva Shopping Centre
The heating and cooling of the shopping centre will be produced by renewable, carbon-neutral geothermal energy derived from the bedrock. Lippulaiva will use all of the heating and cooling energy provided by the plant, so the energy production will be local. The total installed heat pump capacity
Mining Plant Sobieski
The heat recovery installation based on 5 units NIBE heat pumps in the „Sobieski” Mining Plant in Jaworzno. 5 units of high-temperature NIBE AP-BW 85 (H) kW heat pumps, operate in water/water system, using the heat accumulated in underground mine waters, generated in the process of coal mining.
MAX IV Laboratory
MAX-lab is a national electron accelerator laboratory for synchrotron radiation research, nuclear physics and accelerator physics. Heat pumps are cooling the process and the heat is utilized to heat up the building and local district heating network
Fast Track Heat Pump Roll Out in Hylke
Phase out of fossil fuels in the Danish city ‘Hylke’ with an innovative business model which addresses the barriers for heat pump implementation.
Innovative chemical heat transformer on a waste incinerator plant that produces steam for generation of electricity (power plant)
The skid is integrated in the close proximity of a waste heat source (of at least 500 kW) and the current steam network. The steam produced by our heat transformer can be injected directly into the current steam network. By reducing significant heat losses over long distance and the compatibility
Herman Teirlinck Building T&T
An office building, located in the center of Brussels, for approximately 2.000 civil servants from the Flemish Government.
NIBE F2040 Gazipark Hotel
The hotel had natural gas systems for heating and domestic hot water and the hotel management was unsatifsied about the natural gas expenses, carbonmonoxide emmusion to air. Hotel has totally 2462m2 closed area and 65 rooms.Ex natural gas system capacity was 500000 kcal (581,5 kW
The company Ittech, nearby Gent in Belgium, provides ‘Interval Training Technologies’ for race horses, jockeys and their trainers. As the first in Europe, they developed and installed a resistance training pool for race horses in their facilities.
Aftesten collector BEO veld
Provincial government office in Antwerp.