Remote cooling central with district heating
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- Europe
- Posted 5 months ago
IKEA Aalborg had four 13-year-old HFC refrigeration systems for comfort cooling up for renewal; a huge investment was crucial. Aalborg Forsyning (Aalborg district heating) heard of this and offered a partnership of sector integration with a combined heat and cooling.
Aalborg Forsyning and Krebs A/S installed a FENAGY H1200-AW heat pump with a chiller module for air conditioning. IKEA then gets air conditioning distributed with water/40% propylene glycol five months a year. The waste heat from this process is distributed into the district heating grid. In the colder season the heat pump produces heat to the district heating network and for IKEA, with air as a heat source.
The project includes a FENAGY H1200-AW heat pump with a chiller working with CO2 as a natural refrigerant. The unit is installed in a Priess housing and four energy collectors of 250 kW each, is placed outside the housing.